Direct mail is hip! Don’t believe us? A USPS survey reported some impressive results.
- 90% of Millennials interact with direct mail
- 2 out of 3 take action after receiving mail
- 90% preferred direct mail over email for promotional offers
- 73% used direct mail coupons for online purchases
Millennials are Number One
Millennials are now the largest generation group in the U.S. in 2021, with an estimated population of 72.19 million. They recently surpassed Baby Boomers as the most numerous group in the United States and they also happen to be in their prime, which means they are very commercially active.
Buying homes, working hard, raising families, and traveling, Millennials are busy interacting with the market in virtually every field. They need supplies and services to keep moving forward. This generation represents the second biggest spenders in the marketplace today, with Generation X still very active and spending the most. Although each spends their money differently, as this chart shows, both are very engaged.
Crowded Marketplace
The marketplace is very competitive, of course, in every field. With numerous marketing messages bombarding us at all times, what is the best way to improve brand engagement and get the best ROI?
The simplest answer is a good marketing mix. Consumers want to see your brand in multiple places. That brand recall is essential to turning leads into customers. It makes sense, everyone hears about a ton of brands and it’s hard to remember or decide or even care sometimes. So your brand has to be relevant and visible.
Print is Alive
Print marketing is a big part of a successful marketing mix. For a true omnichannel approach, include postcards, emails, and online ads. Even when purchases are made online, over 70% of consumers say that print ads actually spurred them to make those digital purchases.
Depending on your brand category, you may also have retail displays or event kits, promotional items, signage, sales materials, brochures, and more. We handle all of those items, plus we can handle the inventory and distribution.
Direct Mail Wins
For any business marketing to Millennials, we heartily recommend direct mail as part of the marketing mix. Postcards are the most successful option since they don’t need to be opened and they offer a quick conversion path.
Some experts think that mail is a novelty to this generation since they are digital natives and are so used to receiving the bulk of their messages online. Others point out that Millennials are thrifty and direct mail offers help them save money. Whatever the reason, the fact is that direct mail is successful.
Also notable is that 24% of Millennials share their mailed offers with others, which means that one postcard can actually trigger more awareness for your brand than just one household. When combined with social media and email, plus other appropriate channels for your business, the ROI can be huge.
Get Out There
Clearly, this is a great time to use print marketing. Whether direct mail is a new part of your marketing mix or a good standby, CFS will help you make the best of your campaigns. We expanded our printing capabilities and we have decades of experience, plus a beautiful warehouse and solid tracking technology. Let’s talk about your next campaign.