Have you noticed you get less “snail mail” these days? That means less competition for your direct mail pieces.
Plus, more than 80% of people read or scan their mail daily.
How do they decide what to read and what to throw away? While direct mail is an effective tool in your marketing campaign, there are some easy ways for your direct mail piece to end up in the recycle bin.
To get the best response from your direct mail marketing, take a look at these 4 factors:
Targeted List
Take a good long look at your mailing list. Are the people on your list possible repeat spenders or potential customers? If not, are you confident that they will respond to your direct mail piece? In order to send out a successful direct mail campaign, you must first understand your target audience.
Call to Action
The purpose of direct mail is to get people to respond. That usually means purchasing your product or services. It’s important that you have a clear call to action and that your offer is something they need or want. Make them an offer they can’t refuse and your return on investment will be worth it.
Direct Mail Design
The easiest way to get a recipient’s attention is through an eye-catching mailer with a clean design. The quickest way to get them to throw it away is to have a poorly designed piece with no purpose. Make sure your direct mail piece is well-designed and creative.
Tracking ROI
How will you know that your direct mail campaign is successful unless you measure it? Include a QR code, promotional code, product sample, or link to a special offer, or have your recipient bring in the piece for a free gift. It is important to make time to review your analytics and track your results in order to judge your success and make adjustments for future campaigns. Use landing pages to track responses separately on your site so you can identify the origin of your visitors.
Are you overlooking the fact that direct mail marketing is one of the most successful forms of marketing your business? Direct mail marketing sends potential customers to your front door and website. That’s why direct mail is one of the most effective tools in your marketing arsenal.
If you need help with these areas and are ready to use direct mail to improve your business, our marketing specialists are here to help. From campaign consultations to copywriting, design, print, and postal discounts, CFS has you covered.