Increase Sales with Direct Mail!
Direct mail is a great way to increase business and is an important tool to help support your sales team. It increases front-of-mind awareness in customers and prospects and gives your sales team a great conversation starter that can produce results.
Here are a few ways to make sure your direct mail stands out:
• Send out a newsletter! Fill it with industry-related information and relevant content. Done right, it can be an effective tool that will leave your customers asking for more.
• Change it up! Try something different, such as full-color oversized envelopes, die-cut postcards, promotional products in creative packaging, or a mailer that opens up to a poster.
• Have an event coming up? Send out invitations. Invite customers and prospects to upcoming events such as an open house, training seminars, trade shows, or customer appreciation events.
• Have a new and exciting product or service? Make an announcement! Send out a postcard to tease it, get customers interested and follow up with more information, and answer questions.
• Send out coupons, discounts, and other promotions. Customers are always on the lookout for a great deal.
• Add email marketing to your direct mail. Consider sending a postcard to announce a new product, then follow up with an email with additional product information and contact information.
Have any creative direct mail ideas of your own? Let us know. Need some help creating a direct mail campaign that gets attention, contact us today!